2.3. Newton’s Method for Solving Equations#



Newton’s method for solving equations has a number of advantages over the bisection method:

  • It is usually faster (but not always, and it can even fail completely!)

  • It can also compute complex roots, such as the non-real roots of polynomial equations.

  • It can even be adapted to solving systems of non-linear equations; that topic wil be visited later.

using PyPlot

Derivation as a contraction mapping with “very small contraction coefficient \(C\)#

You might have previously seen Newton’s method derived using tangent line approximations. That derivation is presented below, but first we approach it another way: as a particularly nice contraction mapping.

To compute a root \(r\) of a differentiable function \(f\), we design a contraction mapping for which the contraction constant \(C\) becomes arbitrarily small when we restrict to iterations in a sufficiently small interval around the root: \(|x - r| \leq R\).

That is, the error ratio \(|E_{k+1}|/|E_k|\) becomes ever smaller as the iterations get closer to the exact solution; the error is thus reducing ever faster than the above geometric rate \(C^k\).

This effect is in turn achieved by getting \(|g"(x)|\) arbitrarily small for \(|x - r| \leq R\) with \(R\) small enough, and then using the above connection between \(g"(x)\) and \(C\). This can be achieved by ensuring that \(g"(r) = 0\) at a root \(r\) of \(f\) — so long as the root \(r\) is simple: \(f"(r) \neq 0\) (which is generically true, but not always).

To do so, seek \(g\) in the above form \(g(x) = x - w(x)f(x)\), and choose \(w(x)\) appropriately. At the root \(r\),

\[ g'(r) = 1 - w'(r)f(r) - w(r)f'(r) = 1 - w(r)f'(r) \quad\text{(using } f(r) = 0,) \]

so we ensure \(g'(r) = 0\) by requiring \(w(r) = 1/f'(r)\) (hence the problem if \(f'(r) = 0\)).

We do not know \(r\), but that does not matter! We can just choose \(w(x) = 1/f"(x)\) for all \(x\) values. That gives

\[g(x) = x - {f(x)}/{f'(x)}\]

and thus the iteration formula

\[x_{k+1} = x_k - {f(x_k)}/{f'(x_k)}\]

(That is, \(g(x) = x - {f(x)}/{f'(x)}\).)

You might recognize this as the formula for Newton’s method.

To explore some examples of this, here is a function implementing Newton’s method.

Remark 2.7 (On Julia)

This function uses optional keyword parameters with default values for the first time; these will be described in Functions, part 2 in Notes on the Julia Language once they have been written.

Remark 2.8 (A Julia module)

This and many other functions defined in this book are also gathered in the module NumericalMethods; see the appendix Module NumericalMethods. It can be made available with the commands

using .NumericalMethods: newtonmethod

The dot at the start of the module name is a litle surprising; that is needed whe the module is defined locally; in this case by that include line.

function newtonmethod(f, Df, x0, errortolerance; maxiterations=20, demomode=false)
    # Basic usage is:
    # (rootapproximation, errorestimate, iterations) = newton(f, Df, x0, errortolerance)
    # There is an optional input parameter "demomode" which controls whether to
    # - println intermediate results (for "study" purposes), or to
    # - work silently (for "production" use).
    # The default is silence.
    if demomode
        println("Solving by Newton's Method.")
        println("maxiterations = $maxiterations")
        println("errortolerance = $errortolerance")
    x = x0
    global errorestimate  # make it global to this function; without this it would be local to the "for" loop.
    for iteration in 1:maxiterations
        fx = f(x)
        Dfx = Df(x)
        # Note: a careful, robust code would check for the possibility of division by zero here,
        # but for now I just want a simple presentation of the basic mathematical idea.
        dx = fx/Dfx
        x -= dx  # Aside: this is shorthand for "x = x - dx"
        errorestimate = abs(dx);
        if demomode
            println("At iteration $iteration, x = $x with estimated error $errorestimate and backward error $(abs(f(x)))")
        if errorestimate <= errortolerance
            if demomode
            return (x, errorestimate, iteration)
    # Note: if we get to here (no "return" above), it completed maxIterations iterations without satisfying the accuracy target,
    # but we still return the information that we have.
    return (x, errorestimate, maxiterations)

Example 2.6

Let’s start with our favorite equation, \(x = \cos x\).

Remark 2.9 (On Julia style)

Recommended style for Julia code is that function names be alpha-numeric (possibly with the underscore _ as a “special guest letter”), so I will avoid primes in notation for derivatives as much as possible: from now on, the derivative of \(f\) is most often denoted as \(Df\) rather than \(f\).

f1(x) = x - cos(x)
Df1(x) = 1 + sin(x);
x0 = 0.0
errortolerance = 1e-8
rei = newtonmethod(f1, Df1, x0, errortolerance; maxiterations=4, demomode=true)
root = rei[1]
errorestimate = rei[2]
iterations = rei[3]
if errorestimate > errortolerance
    println("Warning: the error tolerance was not achieved!")
println("The root is approximately $root")
println("The estimated absolute error is $errorestimate")
println("The backward error is $(abs(f1(root)))")
println("This required $iterations iterations")
Solving by Newton's Method.
maxiterations = 4
errortolerance = 1.0e-8
At iteration 1, x = 1.0 with estimated error 1.0 and backward error 0.45969769413186023
At iteration 2, x = 0.7503638678402439 with estimated error 0.24963613215975608 and backward error 0.018923073822117442
At iteration 3, x = 0.7391128909113617 with estimated error 0.011250976928882236 and backward error 4.6455898990771516e-5
At iteration 4, x = 0.739085133385284 with estimated error 2.77575260776869e-5 and backward error 2.847205804457076e-10

Warning: the error tolerance was not achieved!

The root is approximately 0.739085133385284
The estimated absolute error is 2.77575260776869e-5
The backward error is 2.847205804457076e-10
This required 4 iterations

Here we have introduced another way of talking about errors and accuracy, which is further discussed in Measures of Error and Order of Convergence.

Definition 2.5 (Backward Error)

  • The backward error in \(\tilde x\) as an approximation to a root of a function \(f\) is \(f(\tilde x)\).

  • The absolute backward error is its absolute value, \(|f(\tilde x)|\). However sometimes the latter is simply called the backward error — as the above code does.

This has the advantage that we can actually compute it without knowing the exact solution!

The backward error also has a useful geometrical meaning: if the function \(f\) were changed by this much to a nearbly function \(\tilde f\) then \(\tilde x\) could be an exact root of \(\tilde f\). Hence, if we only know the values of \(f\) to within this backward error (for example due to rounding error in evaluating the function) then \(\tilde x\) could well be an exact root, so there is no point in striving for greater accuracy in the approximate root.

We will see this in the next example.

Graphing Newton’s method iterations as a fixed point iteration#

Since this is a fixed point iteration with \(g(x) = x - (x - \cos(x)/(1 + \sin(x))\), let us compare its graph to the ones seen in Solving Equations by Fixed Point Iteration (of Contraction Mappings). Now \(g\) is neither increasing nor decreasing at the fixed point, so the graph has an unusual form.

g(x) = x - (x - cos(x))/(1 + sin(x))
a = 0.0
b = 1.0
# An array of x values for graphing
x = range(a, b, 100)
iterations = 4;  # Not so many are needed now!
# Start at left
description = "Starting near the left end of the domain"
x_k = 0.1

plot(x, x, "g")
plot(x, g.(x), "r")
println("x_0 = $x_k")
for k in 1:iterations
    g_x_k = g(x_k)
    # Graph evalation of g(x_k) from x_k:
    plot([x_k, x_k], [x_k, g(x_k)], "b")
    x_k_plus_1 = g(x_k)
    #Connect to the new x_k on the line y = x:
    plot([x_k, g(x_k)], [x_k_plus_1, x_k_plus_1], "b")
    # Update names: the old x_k+1 is the new x_k
    x_k = x_k_plus_1
    println("x_$k = $x_k")
Starting near the left end of the domain
x_0 = 0.1
x_1 = 0.9137633861014282
x_2 = 0.7446642419816996
x_3 = 0.7390919659607759
x_4 = 0.7390851332254692
# Start at right
description = "Starting near the right end of the domain"
x_k = 0.99
plot(x, x, "g")
plot(x, g.(x), "r")
println("x_0 = $x_k")
for k in 1:iterations
    g_x_k = g(x_k)
    # Graph evalation of g(x_k) from x_k:
    plot([x_k, x_k], [x_k, g(x_k)], "b")
    x_k_plus_1 = g(x_k)
    #Connect to the new x_k on the line y = x:
    plot([x_k, g(x_k)], [x_k_plus_1, x_k_plus_1], "b")
    # Update names: the old x_k+1 is the new x_k
    x_k = x_k_plus_1
    println("x_$k = $x_k")
Starting near the right end of the domain
x_0 = 0.99
x_1 = 0.7496384013287254
x_2 = 0.7391094534708724
x_3 = 0.7390851333457581
x_4 = 0.7390851332151607

In fact, wherever you start, all iterations take you to the right of the root, and then approach the fixed point monotonically — and very fast. We will see an explanation for this in The Convergence Rate of Newton’s Method.

Example 2.7 (Pushing to the limits of standard 64-bit computer arithmetic)

Next, demand more accuracy; this time silently. As we will see in a later section, \(10^{-16}\) is about the limit of the precision of standard (IEE64) computer arithmetic with 64-bit numbers.

So let’s try to compute the root as accurately as we can within these limits:

x0 = 0.0
rei = newtonmethod(f1, Df1, x0, errortolerance)
root = rei[1]
errorestimate = rei[2]
iterations = rei[3]
println("The root is approximately $root")
println("The estimated absolute error is $errorestimate")
println("The backward error is $(abs(f1(root)))")
println("This required $iterations iterations")
The root is approximately 0.7390851332151607
The estimated absolute error is 0.0
The backward error is 0.0
This required 6 iterations


  • It only took one more iteration to meet the demand for twice as many decimal places of accuracy.

  • The result is “exact” as fas as the computer arithmeric can tell, as shown by the zero backward error: we have indeed reached the accuracy limits of computer arithmetic.

Newton’s method works with complex numbers too#

This book will work almost entirely with real values and vectors in \(\mathbb{R}^n\), but actually, everything above also works for complex numbers. In particular, Newton’s method works for finding roots of functions \(f:\mathbb{C} \to \mathbb{C}\); for example when seeking all roots of a polynomial.

(See the notes on Complex number in Julia.)

Example 2.8 (All roots of a cubic)

As an example, let us seek all three cube roots of 8, by solving \(x^3 - 8 = 0\) and trying different initial values \(x_0\).

f2(x) = x^3 - 8
Df2(x) = 3x^2;

First, \(x_0 = 1\)

x0 = 1.0;
errortolerance = 1e-8;
rei1 = newtonmethod(f2, Df2, x0, errortolerance; demomode=true)
root1 = rei1[1]
errorestimate1 = rei1[2]
iterations1 = rei1[3]
println("The first root is approximately $root1")
println("The estimated absolute error is $errorestimate1")
println("The backward error is $(abs(f2(root1)))")
println("This required $iterations1 iterations")
Solving by Newton's Method.
maxiterations = 20
errortolerance = 1.0e-8
At iteration 1, x = 3.3333333333333335 with estimated error 2.3333333333333335 and backward error 29.037037037037045
At iteration 2, x = 2.462222222222222 with estimated error 0.8711111111111113 and backward error 6.92731645541838
At iteration 3, x = 2.081341247671579 with estimated error 0.380880974550643 and backward error 1.0163315496105625
At iteration 4, x = 2.003137499141287 with estimated error 0.07820374853029163 and backward error 0.03770908398584538
At iteration 5, x = 2.000004911675504 with estimated error 0.003132587465783101 and backward error 5.894025079733467e-5
At iteration 6, x = 2.0000000000120624 with estimated error 4.911663441917921e-6 and backward error 1.447482134153688e-10
At iteration 7, x = 2.0 with estimated error 1.2062351117801901e-11 and backward error 0.0

The first root is approximately 2.0
The estimated absolute error is 1.2062351117801901e-11
The backward error is 0.0
This required 7 iterations

Next, start at \(x_0 = i\) (a.k.a. \(x_0 = im\)):

x0 = im;
rei2 = newtonmethod(f2, Df2, x0, errortolerance; demomode=true)
root2 = rei2[1]
errorestimate2 = rei2[2]
iterations2 = rei2[3]
println("The second root is approximately $root2")
println("The estimated absolute error is $errorestimate2")
println("The backward error is $(abs(f2(root2)))")
println("This required $iterations2 iterations")
Solving by Newton's Method.
maxiterations = 20
errortolerance = 1.0e-8
At iteration 1, x = -2.6666666666666665 + 0.6666666666666667im with estimated error 2.6874192494328497 and backward error 27.23670564570405
At iteration 2, x = -1.4663590926566703 + 0.6105344098423685im with estimated error 1.2016193667222377 and backward error 10.211311837398133
At iteration 3, x = -0.23293230984230884 + 1.1571382823138845im with estimated error 1.3491172750968106 and backward error 7.206656519642179
At iteration 4, x = -1.9202321953438537 + 1.5120026439880303im with estimated error 1.7242127533456901 and backward error 13.405769067901167
At iteration 5, x = -1.1754417924325344 + 1.4419675366055338im with estimated error 0.7480759724352086 and backward error 3.7583743808280228
At iteration 6, x = -0.9389355523964149 + 1.716001974171807im with estimated error 0.36198076543966584 and backward error 0.7410133693135651
At iteration 7, x = -1.0017352527552088 + 1.7309534907089796im with estimated error 0.06455501693838851 and backward error 0.02463614729973853
At iteration 8, x = -0.9999988050398477 + 1.7320490713246675im with estimated error 0.0020531798639315357 and backward error 2.529258531285453e-5
At iteration 9, x = -1.0000000000014002 + 1.7320508075706016im with estimated error 2.107719871290353e-6 and backward error 2.6654146785452274e-11
At iteration 10, x = -1.0 + 1.7320508075688774im with estimated error 2.2211788987828177e-12 and backward error 1.9860273225978185e-15

The second root is approximately -1.0 + 1.7320508075688774im
The estimated absolute error is 2.2211788987828177e-12
The backward error is 1.9860273225978185e-15
This required 10 iterations

This root is in fact \(-1 + i \sqrt{3}\).

Finally, \(x_0 = 1 - i\)

x0 = 1-im
rei3 = newtonmethod(f2, Df2, x0, errortolerance; demomode=false)
root3 = rei3[1]
errorestimate3 = rei3[2]
iterations3 = rei3[3]
println("The third root is approximately $root3")
println("The estimated absolute error is $errorestimate3")
println("The backward error is $(abs(f2(root3)))")
println("This required $iterations3 iterations")
The third root is approximately -1.0 - 1.7320508075688772im
The estimated absolute error is 3.62974830495685e-15
The backward error is 1.9860273225978185e-15
This required 10 iterations

This root is in fact \(-1 - i \sqrt{3}\).

Newton’s method derived via tangent line approximations: linearization#

The more traditional derivation of Newton”s method is based on the very widely useful idea of linearization; using the fact that a differentiable function can be approximated over a small part of its domain by a straight line — its tangent line — and it is easy to compute the root of this linear function.

So start with a first approximation \(x_0\) to a solution \(r\) of \(f(x) = 0\).

Step 1: Linearize at \(x_0\).#

The tangent line to the graph of this function wih center \(x_0\), also know as the linearization of \(f\) at \(x_0\), is

\[L_0(x) = f(x_0) + f'(x_0) (x - x_0).\]

(Note that \(L_0(x_0) = f(x_0)\) and \(L_0'(x_0) = f'(x_0)\).)

Step 2: Find the zero of this linearization#

Hopefully, the two functions \(f\) and \(L_0\) are close, so that the root of \(L_0\) is close to a root of \(f\); close enough to be a better approximation of the root \(r\) than \(x_0\) is.

Give the name \(x_1\) to this root of \(L_0\): it solves \(L_0(x_1) = f(x_0) + f'(x_0) (x_1 - x_0) = 0\), so

\[x_1 = x_0 - {f(x_0)}/{f'(x_0)}\]

Step 3: Iterate#

We can then use this new value \(x_1\) as the center for a new linearization \(L_1(x) = f(x_1) + f'(x_1)(x - x_1)\), and repeat to get a hopefully even better approximate root,

\[x_2 = x_1 - f(x_1)/f'(x_1)\]

And so on: at each step, we get from approximation \(x_k\) to a new one \(x_{k+1}\) with

\[x_{k+1} = x_k - {f(x_k)}/{f'(x_k)}\]

And indeed this is the same formula seen above for Newton’s method.

Illustration: a few steps of Newton’s method for \(x - \cos(x) = 0\).

This approach to Newton’s method via linearization and tangent lines suggests another graphical presentation; again we use the example of \(f(x) = x - \cos (x)\). This has \(Df(x) = 1 + \sin(x)\), so the linearization at center \(a\) is

\[L(x) = (a - \cos(a)) + (1 + \sin(a))(x-a)\]

For Newton’s method starting at \(x_0 = 0\), this gives

\[L_0(x) = -1 + x\]

and its root — the next iterate in Newton”s method — is \(x_1 = 1\)

Then the linearization at center \(x_1\) is

\[ L_1(x) = (1 - \cos(1) + (1 + \sin(1))(x-1), \approx 0.4596 + 1.8415(x-1) \]

giving \(x_2 \approx 1 - 0.4596/1.8415 \approx 0.7504\).

Let’s graph a few steps.

L_0(x) = -1.0 + x;
title(L"First iteration, from $x_0 = 0$")
left = -0.1
right = 1.1
x = range(left, right, 100)
plot(x, f1.(x), label=L"x - \cos(x)")
plot([left, right], [0, 0], "k", label="x=0")  # The x-axis, in black
x_0 = 0
plot([x_0], [f1(x_0)], "g*")
plot(x, L_0.(x), "y", label=L"L_0(x)")
plot([x_0], [f1(x_0)], "g*")
x_1 = x_0 - f1(x_0)/Df1(x_0)
println("x_1 = $x_1")
plot([x_1], [0], "r*")
x_1 = 1.0
L_1(x) = (x_1 - cos(x_1)) + (1 + sin(x_1))*(x - x_1);
title(L"Second iteration, from $x_1 = 1$")
# Shrink the domain
left = 0.7
right = 1.05
x = range(left, right, 100)

plot(x, f1.(x), label=L"x - \cos(x)")
plot([left, right], [0, 0], "k", label="x=0")  # The x-axis, in black
plot([x_1], [f1(x_1)], "g*")
plot(x, L_1.(x), "y", label=L"L_1(x)")
x_2 = x_1 - f1(x_1)/Df1(x_1)
println("x_2 = $x_2")
plot([x_2], [0], "r*")
x_2 = 0.7503638678402439
L_2(x) = (x_2 - cos(x_2)) + (1 + sin(x_2))*(x - x_2);
title(L"Third iteration, from $x_2=$"*"$x_2")
# Shrink the domain some more
left = 0.735
right = 0.755
x = range(left, right, 100)
plot(x, f1.(x), label=L"x - \cos(x)")
plot([left, right], [0, 0], "k", label="x=0")  # The x-axis, in black
plot([x_2], [f1(x_2)], "g*")
plot(x, L_2.(x), "y", label=L"L_2(x)")
x_3 = x_2 - f1(x_2)/Df1(x_2)
println("x_3 = $x_3")
plot([x_3], [0], "r*")
x_3 = 0.7391128909113617

How accurate and fast is this?#

For the bisection method, we have seen in Root Finding by Interval Halving (Bisection) a fairly simple way to get an upper limit on the absolute error in the approximations.

For absolute guarantees of accuracy, things do not go quite as well for Newton’s method, but we can at least get a very “probable” estimate of how large the error can be. This requires some calculus, and more specifically Taylor’s theorem, reviewed in Taylor’s Theorem and the Accuracy of Linearization.

So we will return to the question of both the speed and accuracy of Newton’s method in The Convergence Rate of Newton’s Method.

On the other hand, the example graphs above illustrate that the successive linearizations become ever more accurate as approximations of the function \(f\) itself, so that the approximation \(x_3\) looks “perfect” on the graph — the speed of Newton’s method looks far better than for bisection. This will also be explained in The Convergence Rate of Newton’s Method.


Exercise 1#

a) Show that Newton’s method applied to

\[ f(x) = x^k - a \]

leads to fixed point iteration with function

\[ g(x) = \frac{(k-1) x + \displaystyle \frac{a}{x^{k-1}}}{k}. \]

b) Then verify mathematically that the iteration \(x_{k+1} = g(x_k)\) has super-linear convergence.

Exercise 2#

a) Create a Julia function for Newton’s method, with usage

(root, errorEstimate, iterations, functionEvaluations) = newtonMethod(f, Df, x_0, errorTolerance, maxIterations)

(The last input parameter maxIterations could be optional, with a default like maxIterations=100.)

b) based on your function bisection2 create a third (and final!) version with usage

(root, errorBound, iterations, functionEvaluations) = bisection(f, a, b, errorTolerance, maxIterations)

c) Use both of these to solve the equation

\[ f_1(x) = 10 - 2x + \sin(x) = 0 \]

i) with [estimated] absolute error of no more than \(10^{-6}\), and then

ii) with [estimated] absolute error of no more than \(10^{-15}\).

Note in particular how many iterations and how many function evaluations are needed.

Graph the function, which will help to find a good starting interval \([a, b]\) and initial approximation \(x_0\).

d) Repeat, this time finding the unique real root of

\[ f_2(x) = x^3 - 3.3 x^2 + 3.63 x - 1.331 = 0 \]

Again graph the function, to find a good starting interval \([a, b]\) and initial approximation \(x_0\).

e) This second case will behave differently than for \(f_1\) in part (c): describe the difference.