9.3. Module NumericalMethods#

The following code cells are the content of file NumericalMethods.jl, used to define the module NumericalMethods

This file exists for two reasons:

  1. It can be convenient to gather the cells defining various functions for the module in a notebook like this one, which allows documentation, and then convert to the the “.jl” file with the JupterLab command
    File > Save and Export Notebook As ... > Executable Script This gathers the contents of the code cells, ignorig any markdown cells.

  2. This description of the module’s definitions can be used as a section in a Jupyter Book.

Usage is:



using .NumericalMethods

or for a particular function, like

import .NumericalMethods: newtonmethod
# Module `NumericalMethods`

# Version of 2022-11-13

# The following code cells are the content of file `NumericalMethods.jl`, used to define the module `NumericalMethods`

# The notebook file version exists for two reasons:
# 1. It can be convenient to gather the cells defining various functions for the module in a notebook like this one,
#    which allows documentation, and then convert to the the ".jl" file with the JupterLab command
#    `File > Save and Export Notebook As ... > Executable Script`
# This gathers the contents of the code cells, ignorig any markdown cells.

# 2. This description of the module's definitions can be used as a section in a Jupyter Book.
module NumericalMethods


Newton’s method#

function newtonmethod(f, Df, x0, errortolerance; maxiterations=20, demomode=false)
    # Basic usage is:
    # (rootApproximation, errorEstimate, iterations) = newton(f, Df, x0, errorTolerance)
    # There is an optional input parameter "demomode" which controls whether to
    # - println intermediate results (for "study" purposes), or to
    # - work silently (for "production" use).
    # The default is silence.

    if demomode
        println("Solving by Newton's Method.")
        println("maxiterations = $maxiterations")
        println("errortolerance = $errortolerance")
    x = x0
    global errorestimate  # make it global to this function; without this it would be local to the "for" loop.
    for iteration in 1:maxiterations
        fx = f(x)
        Dfx = Df(x)
        # Note: a careful, robust code would check for the possibility of division by zero here,
        # but for now I just want a simple presentation of the basic mathematical idea.
        dx = fx/Dfx
        x -= dx  # Aside: this is shorthand for "x = x - dx"
        errorestimate = abs(dx);
        if demomode
            println("At iteration $iteration, x = $x with estimated error $errorestimate and backward error $(abs(f(x)))")
        if errorestimate <= errortolerance
            if demomode
            return (x, errorestimate, iteration)
    # Note: if we get to here (no "return" above), it completed maxIterations iterations without satisfying the accuracy target,
    # but we still return the information that we have.
    return (x, errorestimate, maxiterations)

The secant method#

function secantmethod(f, a, b, errortolerance; maxiterations=20, demomode=false)
    # Solve f(x)=0 in the interval [a, b] by the Secant Method.
    if demomode
        print("Solving by the Secant Method.")
    # Some more descriptive names
    x_older = a
    x_more_recent = b
    f_x_older = f(x_older)
    f_x_more_recent = f(x_more_recent)
    for iteration in 1:maxiterations
        global x_new, errorestimate
        if demomode
            println("\nIteration $(iteration):")
        x_new = (x_older * f_x_more_recent - f_x_older * x_more_recent)/(f_x_more_recent - f_x_older)
        f_x_new = f(x_new)
        (x_older, x_more_recent) = (x_more_recent, x_new)
        (f_x_older, f_x_more_recent) = (f_x_more_recent, f_x_new)
        errorestimate = abs(x_older - x_more_recent)
        if demomode
            println("The latest pair of approximations are $x_older and $x_more_recent,")
            println("where the function's values are $f_x_older and $f_x_more_recent respectively.")
            println("The new approximation is $x_new with estimated error $errorestimate and backward error $(abs(f_x_new))")
        if errorestimate < errortolerance
    # Whether we got here due to accuracy of running out of iterations,
    # return the information we have, including an error estimate:
    return (x_new,  errorestimate)

Linear Algebra and Simultaneous Equations#

Row Reduction#

(with no pivoting)

function rowreduce(A, b)
    # To avoid modifying the matrix and vector specified as input,
    # they are copied to new arrays, with the function copy().
    # Warning: it does not work to say "U = A" and "c = b";
    # this makes these names synonyms, referring to the same stored data.

    U = copy(A)  # not "U=A", which makes U and A synonyms
    c = copy(b)
    n = length(b)
    L = zeros(n, n)
    for k in 1:n-1
        for i in k+1:n
            # compute all the L values for column k:
            L[i,k] = U[i,k] / U[k,k]  # Beware the case where U[k,k] is 0
            for j in k+1:n
                U[i,j] -= L[i,k] * U[k,j]
            # Put in the zeros below the main diagonal in column k of U;
            # this is not important for calculations, since those elements of U are not used in backward substitution,
            # but it helps for displaying results and for checking the results via residuals.
            U[i,k] = 0.
            c[i] -= L[i,k] * c[k]
    for i in 2:n
        for j in 1:i-1
            U[i,j] = 0.
    return (U, c)

Backward substitution#

function backwardsubstitution(U, c; demomode=false)
    n = length(c)
    x = zeros(n)
    x[end] = c[end]/U[end,end]
    if demomode
        println("x_$n = $(x[n])")
    for i in n-1:-1:1
        if demomode
        x[i] = ( c[i] - sum(U[i,i+1:end] .* x[i+1:end]) ) / U[i,i]
        if demomode
            print("x_$i = $(x[i])")
    return x

Solve a linear system (no pivoting)#

solvelinearsystem(A, b) = backwardsubstitution(rowreduce(A, b)...);

LU factorization#

function lu_factorize(A; demomode=false)
    # Compute the Doolittle LU factorization of A.
    # Sums like $\sum_{s=1}^{k-1} l_{k,s} u_{s,j}$ are done as matrix products;
    # in the above case, row matrix L[k, 1:k-1] by column matrix U[1:k-1,j] gives the sum for a give j,
    # and row matrix L[k, 1:k-1] by matrix U[1:k-1,k:n] gives the relevant row vector.
    n = size(A)[1]  # First component of the array's size; size(A) returns "(rows, columns)"
    # Initialize U as a zero matrix;
    # correct below the main diagonal, with the other entries to be computed and filled below.
    U = zeros(n,n)
    # Initialize L as a zero matrix;
    # correct above the main diagonal, with the other entries to be computed and filled in below.
    L = zeros(n,n)
    # Column and row 1 are special:
    U[1,:] = A[1,:]
    L[1,1] = 1.
    L[2:end,1] = A[2:end,1]/U[1,1]
    if demomode
        println("After step k=1")
        println("U="); printmatrix(U)
        println("L="); printmatrix(L)
    for k in 2:n-1
        # Julia note: it is necessary to use indices "[k]" and so on to get a one-row matrix instead of a vector.
        U[[k],k:end] = A[[k],k:end] - L[[k],1:k] * U[1:k,k:end]
        L[k,k] = 1.
        L[k+1:end,k] = ( A[k+1:end,k] - L[k+1:end,1:k] * U[1:k,k] )/U[k,k]
        if demomode
            println("After step k=$k")
            println("U="); printmatrix(U)
            println("L="); printmatrix(L)
    # The last row is also special: nothing to do for L
    L[end,end] = 1.
    U[end,end] = A[end,end] - sum(L[[n],1:end-1] * U[1:end-1,end])
    if demomode
        println("After step k=$n")
        println("U="); printmatrix(U)
    return [L, U]

Forward substitution#

(without pivoting)

function forwardsubstitution(L, b)
    # Solve L c = b for c.
    n = length(b)
    c = zeros(n)
    c[1] = b[1]
    for i in 2:n
        c[i] = b[i] - sum(L[i:i,1:i] * c[1:i])
    return c

PLU factorization#

function plu(A; demomode=false)
    # Compute the Doolittle PA=LU factorization of A —
    # but with the permutation recorded as permutation vector, not as the permutation matrix P.
    # Sums like $\sum_{s=1}^{k-1} l_{k,s} u_{s,j}$ are done as matrix products;
    # in the above case, row matrix L[k, 1:k-1] by column matrix U[1:k-1,j] gives the sum for a give j,
    # and row matrix L[k, 1:k-1] by matrix U[1:k-1,k:n] gives the relevant row vector.

    n = size(A)[1]  # gives the number of rows in the 2D array.
    π = zeros(Int, n)
    # Julia can use Greek letters (and in fact, UNICODE):
    # to insert character π, type \pi, hit tab, and select "π" from the menu.
    # Or just call it "perm" or such.
    π = collect(1:n)
    # Julia language note: function "collect" converts the abstract entity "1:n" into an array of numbers.
    # Initialize U as the zero matrix;
    # correct below the main diagonal, with the other entries to be computed below.
    U = zeros(n,n)

    # Initialize L as zeros;
    # correct above the main diagonal, with the other entries to be computed below,
    # including the ones on the diagonal.
    L = zeros(n,n)

    for k in 1:n-1
        if demomode; println("k=$k"); end
        # Find the pivot element in column k:
        pivotrow = k
        abs_u_ik_max = abs(A[π[k],k])
        for row in k+1:n
            abs_u_ik = abs(A[π[row],k])
            if abs_u_ik > abs_u_ik_max
                pivotrow = row
                abs_u_ik_max = abs_u_ik
        if pivotrow > k # swap rows, virtually
            if demomode; println("Swap row $k with row $pivotrow"); end
            (π[k], π[pivotrow]) = (π[pivotrow], π[k])
            if demomode; println("No row swap needed."); end
        U[k,k:end] = A[[π[k]],k:end] - L[[π[k]],1:k] * U[1:k,k:end]
        L[π[k],k] = 1.
        for row in k+1:n
            L[π[row],k] = ( A[π[row],k] - L[π[row],1:k]  U[1:k,k] ) / U[k,k]
            # Julia note: To enter the centered dot notation for the dot product, type "\cdot" and then hit the tab key.
        if demomode
            println("permuted A is:")
            for row in 1:n
            println("Intermediate L is"); printmatrix(L)
            println("Intermediate U is"); printmatrix(U)
    # The last row (index "end") is special: nothing to do for L except put in the 1 on the "permuted main diagonal"
    L[π[end],end] = 1.
    U[end,end] = A[π[end],end] - L[π[end],1:end-1]  U[1:end-1,end]
    if demomode
        println("After the final step, k=$(n-1)")
        println("L is"); printmatrix(L)
        println("U is"); printmatrix(U)
    return (L, U, π)

Forward substitution with pivoting#

function forwardsubstitution(L, b, π)
    # Version 2: with permutation of rows
    # Solve L c = b for c, with permutation of the rows of L and of b.
    n = length(b)
    c = zeros(n)
    c[1] = b[π[1]]
    for i in 2:n
        c[i] = b[π[i]] - L[π[i], 1:i]  c[1:i]
    return c

Collocation and Data Fitting#

Polynomial collocation#

function polyfit(x, y)
    # Version 1: exact collocation.
    # Compute the coeffients c_i of the polynomial of lowest degree that collocates the points (x[i], y[i]).
    # These are returned in an array c of the same length as x and y, even if the degree is less than the normal length(x)-1,
    # in which case the array has some trailing zeroes.
    # The polynomial is thus p(x) = c[1] + c[2]x + ... c[d+1] x^d where d =length(x)-1, the nominal degree.
    n_nodes = length(x)
    degree = n_nodes - 1
    V = zeros(n_nodes,n_nodes)
    for i in 0:degree
        for j in 0:degree
             V[i+1,j+1] = x[i+1]^j  # Shift the array indices up by one, since Julia counts from 1, not 0.
    c = solvelinearsystem(V, y)
    return c

Least squares polynomial approximation#

function polyfit(x, y, n)
    # Version 2: least squares fitting.
    # Compute the coeffients c_i of the polynomial of degree n that give the best least squares fit to data (x[i], y[i]).
    N = length(x)
    m = zeros(2n+1)
    for k in 0:2n
        m[k+1] = sum(x.^k)  # Here and below, shift the indices up by one, since Julia counts from 1, not 0.
    M = zeros(n+1,n+1)
    for i in 0:n
        for j in 0:n 
             M[i+1, j+1] = m[i+j+1]
    p = zeros(n+1)
    for k in 0:n
        p[k+1] = sum(x.^k .* y)
    c = solvelinearsystem(M, p)
    return c

Evaluate a polynomial#

function polyval(x; coeffs)  # coeffs has to be a keyword argument in order that only x gets vectorized
    # Evaluate the polynomial with coefficients in c (as given by polyfit, for example).
    # If x is an array, the usage becomes y = polyval.(c, x)
    # for each element of array x.
    y = coeffs[1]
    for i in 2:length(coeffs)
        y += coeffs[i]*x^(i-1)
    return y

Derivatives and Definite Integrals#


Differential Equations#

Euler’s method#

function eulermethod(f, a, b, u_0; n=100)
    # Solve du/dt = f(t, u) for t in [a, b], with initial value u(a) = u_0
    h = (b-a)/n
    t = range(a, b, n+1)  # Note: "n" counts steps, so there are n+1 values for t.
    u = zeros(n+1)
    u[1] = u_0
    for i in 1:n
        u[i+1] = u[i] + f(t[i], u[i])*h
    return (t, u)

function eulermethod_errorcontrol(f, a, b, u_0; errortolerance=1e-3, h_min=1e-6, h_max=0.1, steps_max=1000, demomode=false)
    steps = 0
    t_i = a
    U_i = u_0
    t = [t_i]
    U = [U_i]
    h = h_max  # Start optimistically!
    while t_i < b && steps < steps_max
        K_1 = h*f(t_i, U_i)
        K_2 = h*f(t_i + h/2, U_i + K_1/2)
        errorestimate = abs(K_1 - K_2)
        s = 0.9 * sqrt(errortolerance/errorestimate)
        if errorestimate <= errortolerance  # Success!
            t_i += h
            U_i += K_1
            append!(t, t_i)
            append!(U, U_i)
            # Adjust step size up, but not too big
            h = min(s*h, h_max)
        else  # Innacurate; reduce step size and try again
            h = max(s*h, h_min)
            if demomode
                println("t_i=$t_i: Decreasing step size to $(about(h)) and trying again.")
        # A refinement not mentioned above; the next step should not overshoot t=b:
        if t_i + h > b
            h = b - t_i
        steps += 1
    return (t, U)
    # Note: if the step count ran out, this does not reach t=b, but at least it is correct as far as it goes

function eulermethod_system(f, a, b, u_0, n)
    # TO DO: one could use multiple dispatch to keep the name "eulermethod".
    # The conversion for the system version is mainly "U[i] -> U[i,:]"
    h = (b-a)/n
    t = range(a, b, n+1)
    # The following three lines and the one in the for loop below change for the system version
    n_unknowns = length(u_0)
    U = zeros(n+1, n_unknowns)
    U[1,:] = u_0  # Only for system version

    for i in 1:n
        U[i+1,:] = U[i,:] + f(t[i], U[i,:])*h  # For the system version
    return (t, U)

The explicit trapezoid method#

function explicittrapezoid(f, a, b, u_0; n=100, demomode=false)
    # Use the Explict Trapezoid Method (a.k.a Improved Euler) to solve
    #     du/dt = f(t, u)
    # for t in [a, b], with initial value u(a) = u_0
    h = (b-a)/n
    t = range(a, b, n+1)  # Note: "n" counts steps, so there are n+1 values for t.
    u = zeros(n+1)
    u[1] = u_0
    for i in 1:n
        K_1 = f(t[i], u[i])*h
        K_2 = f(t[i]+h, u[i]+K_1)*h
        u[i+1] = u[i] + (K_1 + K_2)/2.0
    return (t, u)

function explicittrapezoid_system(f, a, b, u_0, n)
    # Use the Explict Trapezoid Method (a.k.a Improved Euler) to solve the system
    #    du/dt = f(t, u) for t in [a, b], with initial value u(a) = u_0 
    # The conversion for the system version is mainly "u[i] -> u[i,:]"

    h = (b-a)/n
    t = range(a, b, n+1)
    n_unknowns = length(u_0)
    u = zeros(n+1, n_unknowns)
    u[1,:] = u_0
    for i in 1:n
        K_1 = f(t[i], u[i,:])*h
        K_2 = f(t[i]+h, u[i,:]+K_1)*h
        u[i+1,:] = u[i,:] + (K_1 + K_2)/2.0
    return (t, u)

The explicit midpoint method#

function explicitmidpoint(f, a, b, u_0; n=100, demomode=false)
    # Use the Explicit Midpoint Method (a.k.a Modified Euler) to solve
    #    du/dt = f(t, u) for t in [a, b], with initial value u(a) = u_0

    h = (b-a)/n
    t = range(a, b, n+1)  # Note: "n" counts steps, so there are n+1 values for t.
    u = zeros(length(t))
    u[1] = u_0
    for i in 1:n
        K_1 = f(t[i], u[i])*h
        K_2 = f(t[i]+h/2, u[i]+K_1/2)*h
        u[i+1] = u[i] + K_2
    return (t, u)

function explicitmidpoint_system(f, a, b, u_0, n)
    # Use the Explict Midpoint Method (a.k.a Modified Euler) to solve the system
    #    du/dt = f(t, u) for t in [a, b], with initial value u(a) = u_0 
    # The conversion for the system version is mainly "u[i] -> u[i,:]"

    h = (b-a)/n
    t = range(a, b, n+1)
    n_unknowns = length(u_0)
    u = zeros(n+1, n_unknowns)
    u[1,:] = u_0
    for i in 1:n
        K_1 = f(t[i], u[i,:])*h
        K_2 = f(t[i]+h/2, u[i,:]+K_1/2)*h
        u[i+1,:] = u[i,:] + K_2
    return (t, u)

The Runge-Kutta method#

function rungekutta(f, a, b, u_0; n=100, demomode=false)
    # Use the (classical) Runge-Kutta Method to solve
    #    du/dt = f(t, u) for t in [a, b], with initial value u(a) = u_0
    h = (b-a)/n
    t = range(a, b, n+1)  # Note: "n" counts steps, so there are n+1 values for t.
    u = zeros(length(t))
    u[1] = u_0
    for i in 1:n
        K_1 = f(t[i], u[i])*h
        K_2 = f(t[i]+h/2, u[i]+K_1/2)*h
        K_3 = f(t[i]+h/2, u[i]+K_2/2)*h
        K_4 = f(t[i]+h, u[i]+K_3)*h
        u[i+1] = u[i] + (K_1 + 2*K_2 + 2*K_3 + K_4)/6
    return (t, u)

function rungekutta_system(f, a, b, u_0, n)
    # Use the (classical) Runge-Kutta Method to solve
    #    du/dt = f(t, u) for t in [a, b], with initial value u(a) = u_0
    # The conversion for the system version is mainly "u[i] -> u[i,:]"

    h = (b-a)/n
    t = range(a, b, n+1)
    n_unknowns = length(u_0)
    u = zeros(n+1, n_unknowns)
    u[1,:] = u_0
    for i in 1:n
        K_1 = f(t[i], u[i,:])*h
        K_2 = f(t[i]+h/2, u[i,:]+K_1/2)*h
        K_3 = f(t[i]+h/2, u[i,:]+K_2/2)*h
        K_4 = f(t[i]+h, u[i,:]+K_3)*h
        u[i+1,:] = u[i,:] + (K_1 + 2*K_2 + 2*K_3 + K_4)/6
    return (t, u)

Some auxilliary functions#

For examples, presentation of results, etc.

Helper function printmatrix#

function printmatrix(A)
    # A helper function to "pretty print" matrices
    (rows, cols) = size(A)
    print("[ ")
    for row in 1:rows
        if row > 1
            print("  ")
        for col in 1:cols
            print(A[row,col], " ")
        if row < rows;
# A helper function for rounding some output to three significant digits
approx3(x) = round(x, sigdigits=3);
# A helper function for rounding some output to four significant digits
approx4(x) = round(x, sigdigits=4);

For some examples in Chapter Initial Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations#

f_mass_spring(t, u) = [ u[2], -(K/M)*u[1] - (D/M)*u[2] ];

function y_mass_spring(t; t_0, u_0, K, M, D)
    (y_0, v_0) = u_0
    discriminant = D^2 - 4K*M
    if discriminant < 0  # underdamped
        omega = sqrt(4K*M - D^2)/(2M)
        A = y_0
        B = (v_0 + y_0*D/(2M))/omega
        return exp(-D/(2M)*(t-t_0)) * ( A*cos(omega*(t-t_0)) + B*sin(omega*(t-t_0)))
    elseif discriminant > 0  # overdamped
        Delta = sqrt(discriminant)
        lambda_plus = (-D + Delta)/(2M)
        lambda_minus = (-D - Delta)/(2M)
        A = M*(v_0 - lambda_minus * y_0)/Delta
        B = y_0 - A
        return A*exp(lambda_plus*(t-t_0)) + B*exp(lambda_minus*(t-t_0))
        lambda = -D/(2M)
        A = y_0
        B = v_0 - A * lambda
        return (A + B*t)*exp(lambda*(t-t_0))

function damping(K, M, D)
    if D == 0
        discriminant = D^2 - 4K*M
        if discriminant < 0
        elseif discriminant > 0
            println("Critically damped")