Displaying Python Code in Markdown Text Cells#

Sometimes it is useful to show Python code in a notebook without it being executable, in a Code cell; for example if it is only a fragment, or it is not working yet and you want to discuss it.

There are several ways to do this, which I will illustrate first with small pieces of code and then for an entire cell.

One method is surrounding Python code with single backward quotes;
for example if a==0: is displayed diffeerntl than if a==0:

This becomes more obvious when there are multiple lines of code:

if a==0:     print("Warning: a=0 will lead to a division by zero error!")

That respects line breaks and indentation, whereas

if a==0: print(“Warning: a=0 will lead to a division by zero error!”)

does not.

Note also that the code chunk is separated by blank lines before and after.

A second method is indenting:

if a==0:
    print("Warning: a=0 will lead to a division by zero error!")

These methods can also work for entire code cells, but then there is also another option: using “Raw” cells. I illustrate each with the code cell:

if a==0:
    print("Warning: a=0 will lead to a division by zero error!")
    print("This is a genuine quadratic; let's compute its real roots, if any ...")

Method 1: backquotes in a Markdown cell:#

if a==0:     print("Warning: a=0 will lead to a division by zero error!") else:     print("This is a genuine quadratic; let's compute its real roots, if any ...")

Method 2: indentation in a Markdown cell:#

if a==0:
    print("Warning: a=0 will lead to a division by zero error!")
    print("This is a genuine quadratic; let's compute its real roots, if any ...")

Method 3: convert cell to type “Raw”#